Class declared in <X3DTK/MESH/meshsimplifier.h> providing a processor that simplifies the MESH scene graph into a single Mesh node and single Vertex node. More...
Class declared in <X3DTK/MESH/TemplateNormalsInverter.h> providing a visitor of the Core component of the MESH::TemplateNormalsInverter processor. More...
Class declared in <X3DTK/MESH/normalsupdater.h> providing a visitor of the Core component of the Faces part of the MESH::TemplateNormalsUpdater processor. More...
Class declared in <X3DTK/MESH/normalsupdater.h> providing a visitor of the Core component of the Vertices part of the MESH::TemplateNormalsUpdater processor. More...
Class declared in <X3DTK/MESH/PrimitiveMeshBuilder.h> providing a processor that builds the meshes from the geometric primitives (Cone, Cylinder, Box and Sphere) of the MESH scene graph. More...