Inheritance diagram for X3DTK::X3DLoader:
The loader creates an X3D scene graph, and is the entry point of any X3DToolKit application. It is encapsulated into X3DTK::SimpleX3DGLScene and X3DTK::SimplifiedMeshScene.
Loads an X3D scene graph from the file. If fileValidation is true, then the file will be verified and messages will be written if the file is invalid. Nevertheless the content of the scene is not deleted. The new scene graph is allocated, and has to be released later. |
Sets the componentCreator. If there is already a creator recorded for this component recorded, then it is deleted and replaced by the new one. |
Sets the componentVisitor for the FileValidator. If there is already a creator recorded for this component, then it is deleted and replaced by the new one. |
Sets the Walker for the FileValidator. If there is already a creator recorded for this component, then it is deleted and replaced by the new one. |
Sets the FileValidator. If there is already a creator recorded for this component, then it is deleted and replaced by the new one. |