

This example is about how to write a template processor of the MESH scene graph. The MESH scene graph is based upon two template nodes which are X3DTK::MESH::TemplateMesh and X3DTK::MESH::VertexSet, allowing to write generic template processors that have these template parameters.

Here we write a simple X3DTK::X3DProcessor that traverses the MESH scene graph and prints some basic informations which are the matrix transformations to the world coordinates as well as the list of points (in the world coordinates) for a X3DTK::MESH::TemplateMesh. For an example of processor creation see glNormalViewer.

This example illustrates simply the use of templates and the Mesh data mechanism. Indeed the flexibility of the library is that the user is free to choose the Mesh data and use any processor. At the instantiation of the template processor, the compilation will succeed depending on the presence of required data, allowing to have optional data. For more details about this mechanism, I recommend you to see ... or the meshExtension example.

Some important functions and classes:


We store the matrix stack to enable the transformation of the vertices in the world coordinates.


We define three enter functions for visited nodes. enterTransform and leaveX3DGroupingNode pushes and pops the transform matrices. enterTemplateMesh prints the informations. We test the presence of the VertexPointData by a call to the template method find of VData. Here this data is optional and the code will compile if it is not present in VData. For Visual Studio 6 users, notice the use of the preprocessor directive TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION_SUPPORTED. The difference between the two codes is that in the case of TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION_SUPPORTED, the access of data is optional and there won't be a compilation error if the data is not present.


This is the facade of the processor which aggregates the visitors of the different components.




#include <X3DTK/kernel.h>

#include <list>

namespace X3DTK {
namespace MESH {

// State variables for the MeshTransformComputer processor.

template<class MData, class VData, class EData, class FData, bool readOnly>
class TransformComputerStateVariables : public StateVariables

  void init();
  void finish();

  void pushMatrix(const SFMatrix34f &transformation);  
  void popMatrix();
  SFMatrix34f getMatrix() const {return _matrixStack.front();};

  std::list<SFMatrix34f> _matrixStack;


#include "MESH_TransformComputerStateVariables.inl"



namespace X3DTK {
namespace MESH {

template<class MData, class VData, class EData, class FData, bool RW>
TransformComputerStateVariables<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW>::TransformComputerStateVariables()
: StateVariables()

template<class MData, class VData, class EData, class FData, bool RW>
void TransformComputerStateVariables<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW>::init()

template<class MData, class VData, class EData, class FData, bool RW>
void TransformComputerStateVariables<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW>::finish()

template<class MData, class VData, class EData, class FData, bool RW>
void TransformComputerStateVariables<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW>::pushMatrix(const SFMatrix34f &transformation)

template<class MData, class VData, class EData, class FData, bool RW>
void TransformComputerStateVariables<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW>::popMatrix()




#include "MESH_TransformComputerStateVariables.h"

#include <X3DTK/MESH/scenegraph.h>
#include <iostream>

namespace X3DTK {
namespace MESH {

class X3DGroupingNode;
class Transform;

// Visitor for the Core component of the MeshTransformComputer processor.

template<class MData, class VData, class EData, class FData, bool readOnly>
class TransformComputerCoreVisitor : public CoreVisitor

  static void enterMesh(TemplateMesh<MData, VData, EData, FData, readOnly> *M);
  static void enterTransform(Transform *T);
  static void leaveX3DGroupingNode(X3DGroupingNode *N);


#include "MESH_TransformComputerCoreVisitor.inl"



namespace X3DTK {
namespace MESH {

template<class MData, class VData, class EData, class FData, bool RW>
TransformComputerCoreVisitor<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW>::TransformComputerCoreVisitor()
  // Enter functions.
  define(Recorder<TemplateMesh<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW> >::getEnterFunction(&TransformComputerCoreVisitor::enterMesh));
  // Leave function

template<class MData, class VData, class EData, class FData, bool RW>
void TransformComputerCoreVisitor<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW>::enterMesh(TemplateMesh<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW> *M)
  // StateVariables assignation.
  TransformComputerStateVariables<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW> *stateVariables = Singleton<TransformComputerStateVariables<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW> >::getInstance();
  std::cout << "enter Mesh" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Transform:" << std::endl << stateVariables->getMatrix() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "  number of vertices = " << M->getVertices().size() << std::endl;
  // Test the optional presence of MESH::VertexPointData in VData.
  if (VData::template find<MESH::VertexPointData>())
    // Accessing the MESH::VertexPointData of VData.
    for (typename TemplateMesh<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW>::MFVertex::const_iterator it = M->getVertices().begin(); it != M->getVertices().end(); ++it)
      std::cout << (*it)->template ogetData<MESH::VertexPointData>().getPoint() << std::endl;
      std::cout << (*it)->data().getPoint() << std::endl;

template<class MData, class VData, class EData, class FData, bool RW>
void TransformComputerCoreVisitor<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW>::enterTransform(Transform *T)
  // Pushing the current transformation matrix on the stack.
  Singleton<TransformComputerStateVariables<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW> >::getInstance()->pushMatrix(T->getTransform());

template<class MData, class VData, class EData, class FData, bool RW>
void TransformComputerCoreVisitor<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW>::leaveX3DGroupingNode(X3DGroupingNode *)
  // Poping the current transformation matrix of the stack.
  Singleton<TransformComputerStateVariables<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW> >::getInstance()->popMatrix();




#include "MESH_TransformComputerStateVariables.h"
#include "MESH_TransformComputerCoreVisitor.h"

#include <X3DTK/kernel.h>
#include <X3DTK/MESH/scenegraph.h>

namespace X3DTK {
namespace MESH {

// MeshTransformComputer processor.

template<class MData, class VData, class EData, class FData, bool readOnly>
class TransformComputer : public X3DOnePassProcessor
  virtual ~TransformComputer();
  virtual void print(SFNode N);


#include "MESH_TransformComputer.inl"



namespace X3DTK {
namespace MESH {

template<class MData, class VData, class EData, class FData, bool RW>
TransformComputer<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW>::TransformComputer()
  setGraphTraversal(new DFSGraphTraversal());
  getGraphTraversal()->setComponentVisitor(new TransformComputerCoreVisitor<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW>());

template<class MData, class VData, class EData, class FData, bool RW>
TransformComputer<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW>::~TransformComputer()
  Singleton<TransformComputerStateVariables<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW> >::removeInstance();  

template<class MData, class VData, class EData, class FData, bool RW>
void TransformComputer<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW>::print(SFNode N)
  // Testing the presence of MESH::VertexPointData
  if (VData::template find<MESH::VertexPointData>())
    Singleton<TransformComputerStateVariables<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW> >::getInstance()->init();
    Singleton<TransformComputerStateVariables<MData, VData, EData, FData, RW> >::getInstance()->finish();



#include "MESH_TransformComputer.h"

#include <X3DTK/X3D/scenegraph.h>
#include <X3DTK/X3D/meshbuilder.h>

#include <iostream>

using namespace X3DTK;
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if (argc <= 1)
    cerr << "usage: meshtransformcomputer input" << endl;
  // DefaultLoader to load the default X3D Nodes.
  X3D::Loader *loader = Singleton<X3D::Loader>::getInstance();
  // Instanciation of the new MeshBuilder.
  X3D::MeshBuilder *meshbuilder = Singleton<X3D::MeshBuilder>::getInstance();
  // Instanciation of the new MeshTransformComputer.
  MESH::TransformComputer<MESH::MeshData, MESH::VertexData, MESH::EdgeData, MESH::FaceData, true> *mtc = Singleton<MESH::TransformComputer<MESH::MeshData, MESH::VertexData, MESH::EdgeData, MESH::FaceData, true> >::getInstance();  
  // Loads the scene.
  X3D::Scene *s = loader->load(argv[1], false);
  MESH::Scene *ms = meshbuilder->build(s);
  // Prints the scene.
  // removes all instances.
  Singleton<MESH::TransformComputer<MESH::MeshData, MESH::VertexData, MESH::EdgeData, MESH::FaceData, true> >::removeInstance();  
  return 1;

Generated on Fri Aug 27 13:16:25 2004 for X3DToolKit by doxygen 1.3.6